KRL1 Reynolds, third courts, bézique pack, c.1875, VG £15
KRL2 Van Genechten copy of De La Rue's Goodall courts (GD10, all turned) on rough card, intended for temple offerings in India, c.1935, unused (unusable!) £12
KRL3 ASS reproduction of the German Art Nouveau pack of 1902, made in 1979, plastic box, mint £5
KRL4 Müller standard Swiss Jass cards, 36-card pack, in opened wrapper, c.1935 or later?, Exc. £5
KRL5 De La Rue D5 bézique pack with Owen Jones back, c.1870, VG, but grubby £12
JE18 Mike Goodall's booklet about Goodall cards, 1993 £5
JE23 W. Gurney Benham, Playing cards, London: Ward, Lock & Co. [no date, 1931], very good, no dust cover £15
JE24 W. Gurney Benham, Playing cards, London: Spring Books [no date, 1957], dust cover, very good £10
KRL7 Betal child's pack, a few odd designs on courts, e.g. KC and JD, no joker, box, c.1938 or 1948, unused £8
KRL8 De La Rue for Cosmos, Waddington courts and joker, box, c.1946, unused £8
KRL9 Goodall G5.1, smaller version of courts of the 1890s in red and black, c.1905, cheap grade card, no box, virtually unused £6
KRL10 Goodall No 1909 Large Index, redrawn courts (G8) in smaller format, Arabesque backs, c.1910, remains of box, G £5
KRL11 Dougherty Tally-Ho Pinochle, opened tax stamp, 1917, cards unopened £15
KRL12 Waddington Historical courts, 1994, unopened £3
KRL13 Hearts of London Happy Families/playing cards for the British Heart Foundation, two packs in a slightly damaged crested leather case, each value represents one of the City Companies, c.2000, Mint, one pack unopened £8
KRL16 Anonymous French for Euro Disney, French indices, three jokers, box, c.2000, hardly used £2
KRL17 Khartoplast, Greece, copy of Italian version of Goodall design, map of Greece on the backs, box, c.1985, Exc. £4
KRL18 Waddington for Metrovick Cosmos lamps, c.1925, in leather case, G+ £6
KRL19 De La Rue bézique (32), unturned courts, plain faces, possibly an Owen Jones back, c.1870, G £10
KRL20 New York Consolidated De Luxe 142, own courts similar to those of Müller, slightly damaged side slide-in box, 1924, VG+ £6
KRL22 Reynolds Type III, from same blocks as the William IV Coronation pack, c.1830, VG, a little grubby, no damage, appropriate photocopy replacement of JD £60
KRL23 Harrison Marks Wolf Pack, 52 poor quality photos of (mostly) nude women, c.1955, no box, unused £10
KRL24 China Vegas, unusual redrawing of USPCC poker courts, 2003, box, Mint £4
KRL26 Masenghini Piacentine pattern, 40 cards complete, c.1970, box, Mint £2
KRL27 Piatnik for Playboy, copy of USPCC courts, special aces and one joker, c.1990, Exc., joker creased £3
KRL30 Tactic, Finland, copy of Piatnik courts, box, 2010, Mint £6
KRL32 Pepys Shuffled Symphonies, Pears ad. on back of rules, 1939, VG+, tatty box £8
KRL37 De La Rue Cheery Families, 13 x 4 families, c.1910, box, VG+ £10
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